Tuesday 29 May 2012

I Feel Like It

So, right now, I feel like rambling even though I may not have anything to ramble about. Um… Hey! Did you know that dyslexia, something I have, is a serious mental issue? Well, yep it is! Dyslexics have trouble ordering letters in words, saying words, seeing simple steps and looking inside the box. They tend to only see the bigger picture, think far outside the box, be repetitive and easily skip to the last step in a process and work backwards. I thought this was hilarious because I remember on time in PEAC (Primary Extension and Challenge (Extra curriculum classes for primary school children)) and they gave a sheet of paper which had 5 by 5 rows of little circles. Yeah, they told us to draw what ever we wanted and that this was a creativity test. So, guess what? I drew people using the circles as cheeks and buttons and what-not. Turns out, that's not what they wanted. They wanted us to draw in the little circles and the more we drew and the more different they were, the more creative we were. If you didn't get the hint, I failed and not only that but was the only kid in the class to do what I did. Embarrassment overload!! It wasn't the first or the last incident like that to occur and I thought I was just being weird. Turns out, I'm not alone. Nice, huh? Anyway, the other day I was at a quiz night and they gave us a sheet with about half a dozen mathematical sequences and series. I am a math genius and found this easy but I felt even more proud when I found out I was correct in each one!!! *Does a triple backflip* Do you know what sucks? Exams. The only good thing that comes out of them is that you get to go home afterwards and if you don’t have an exam on a day you don't have to turn up. You know what sucks about my life? Today's my day off and my brother was supposed to go to school today because he's better now (he was sick) but no! He just came back from when he was supposed to be dropped off, meaning he's home when he's not supposed to be!!! I hate my life. FML!! I'll think I might study for tomorrows exam now. I'm already failing that subject!!
Juck my luck, huh?

Captain Llama Brains

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